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Why do young people make the same mistakes ?


Young people today live in a state of irrational confusion and unequal living compared to the circumstances surrounding them, as what happened to their fathers and grandfathers in the past falls upon them, despite the similarity of the circumstances in many periods of them, but their results do not return to them as they expected and in many cases do not change, then Laziness begins to spread and multiply successively, and consequently behavioral and creative decline

The dilemma of causes and results may lead to great misfortunes, resulting from wrong decisions and incorrect policies, while the individual must study the full conditions, the available circumstances, and what is possible and not possible, with regard to any decision taken if he is aware of the general situation and that his graph has begun to decline in extreme.

Imagine, for example, that in 2018 you were forced to completely change your place of residence and lifestyle and travel 3 hours or more, in order to establish your life and start working, under pressure, and facing life. In the meantime, the decision will be built correctly, as there are clear reasons and there are factors that help to begin the stage of establishing life and going through it. Experiences: If you are a lucky Syrian person and this is rare, things will go better than you expect, but it is illogical under these circumstances، Therefore, you must adapt and follow a lifestyle and even a flexible personality capable of dealing with bad conditions and declines so that you can continue and nothing more.

In late 2019, you did not find anything that would make you stable in your new life, and here because your perception of the situation may be from "YouTube" fantasy and not reality, the solution in this period is either to take a break and think logically, or to return to your old place in the village and start drawing a new plan there, and hypothetically You decided to stay, as there is a period that when you pass it, your life will change, at least on the intellectual level, and if you cannot withstand, then returning is the most likely option، The only reason is to have a life full of comfort and money, but remember that you came from the village to establish life and today you return to it !

After a year and a half in the village and working in an agricultural project that did not earn you enough money to some extent and you did not achieve any step towards changing your personality and creating a loophole through which you can start in your original place, here you return to the same situation that you faced in the city, which is the lack of things that make you stable in Your place, so you decide to return to the same area you were in and start over ! So what happened ?

Life is a close relationship between causes and results, so you will not get new results as long as you think the same reasons, the same way of life, the same ideas and style, and sometimes not thinking about a dilemma in the first place is a way to change the pattern of your thought habit, and the possibility of starting with the step The first to restore your past life and begin to establish it depends only on changing the causes.

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