Social Articles

The time of "al-Takbees" and "al-Tashyeer"


In the era of the internet and social media, a number of unethical yet commercially profitable applications have proliferated in the Arab world. While they provide users with additional income that can compete with the harsh circumstances in Syria and other countries, they are also a means of releasing certain instincts and verbal harassment. In countries with better living conditions, they are merely a form of entertainment and a waste of time.

Contrary to social norms and religious traditions, the concept of "marriage" has become associated with social media programs or professions such as "fashionista, model, blogger, influencer, and lifestyle." This means that a "blogger" marries a "blogger," a "TikToker" marries a "TikToker," and so on. It is not unimaginable that in the near future, instead of reading the Fatiha during the engagement ceremony, the family of the "fiancée" may demand 1,000 "Takbisat" (a term used in these apps) and 500 "Shares."

We, as journalists, are exposed to going out and photographing on the street at any moment. In one instance, we met a girl who introduced herself as an actress, which surprised us, as she was not well-known. In our conversation with her under the open sky, she said that she was an actress and had a thousand followers on "Facebook," and that she acted in pranks and challenges. The idea here is to exploit these young people in the service of these platforms, websites, and programs within a well-planned and systematic brainwashing.

As for the ultimate example, young people aspire to their role models, even if the ideas are contrary to reality. Many have inflated expectations and dreams, leading to stagnation and lack of creativity. For example, when you give someone who owns nothing a monthly amount of $5,000, all they have to do is be part of a live broadcast for a number of hours a day.

Symptoms of "TikTok Syndrome" have increased among adolescent youth, with the repetition of some movements and words within the so-called "trend." Despite the differing opinions of many people about the application's legality, morality, chaos, fame, and content, it has imposed itself as one of the best applications in terms of profit and return, with a cost of zero Syrian pounds.

The question remains about the fate of these programs, which is completely unknown at this moment, especially in the absence of oversight and the proliferation of unethical behavior and sexuality. Will we see a society that evaluates people based on the number of followers and views?

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