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Men in "beauty factories"


When you hear the term “filler” or “Botox,” you can’t help but think of the face of an extremely beautiful female. However, this mental image limited to females seems to have changed. Today, men are ahead of women in performing cosmetic surgeries, and even care twice as much about women.
Males in Syria today have become more open and less conservative about performing cosmetic surgeries and talking about them. Some believe that the reason for this is their great influence by media and advertising messages and social networking sites, which rely on perpetuating Western ideas within Eastern societies, while others believe that men, like women He has some flaws that he would like to improve in order to appear decent, which reflects positively on his psychological state.
They outperformed women:
Cosmetic surgery has become an absolute innate instinct that does not stop with females.
Despite women's great demand for cosmetics in order to improve their appearance or keep up with "fashion", this field has become dominated by men, and it is no longer surprising that they are present alongside women in beauty clinics, wanting to improve their appearance and appearance.
This is what a plastic surgeon explained to Dama Platform: Recently, young men have come to cosmetic clinics more than women, and for every girl who comes, three young men come to them, almost more than double, according to him.
The doctor added that last month he performed cosmetic surgeries on seven young men, compared to only three girls, stressing that they increasingly prefer “Botox” to hide wrinkles, in addition to “Derma Pen” to remove acne scars from the face, and “Fillers” under the eyes to get rid of circles. Black.
  According to the doctor, performing such cosmetic surgeries reflects positively on the psychology of young people, increases their self-confidence and makes them feel happy and satisfied with themselves, because we are dominated by the age of beauty and fashion.
Many motives, one solution:
As for the numbers and their increase over the past period, the percentage of cosmetic surgeries is increasing annually due to the development of plastic surgery as a modern specialty, to some extent, among the medical specialties.
According to official statistics, the percentage of those seeking cosmetic surgery among males in Syria increases from year to year, and on average the percentage in 2022 increased by 15% over the previous year, and the most requested operations for men were rhinoplasty and liposuction.
“Saif” tells Dama Platform that he hesitated a lot before taking this step, but after watching many of his friends perform these operations, without it posing a threat to their lives, or affecting their health, he made the decision to perform the “gastric sleeve” operation, because he was exposed to situations Bullied by some friends because of his stomach.
One of the most important reasons that push young people to undergo these operations is congenital deformities or problems that need to be corrected or improved. It is not always a reason to show beauty and keep up with fashion.
The other reason is to shed light on plastic surgery through social media. We rarely browse Instagram or anything else and do not find dozens of videos showing someone’s appearance changing before and after plastic surgery.
In addition to soap operas and television programs that present people in an ideal image, which creates a state of desire for beautification among men in order to emulate those people.
We cannot ignore the major role played by popular applications such as “Snapchat” and others that allow users to improve their appearance, in creating a dangerous trend among young people who greatly prefer their modified, graceful bodies to reality, in addition to filters and image retouching applications.
The situation is still under control:
The idea of cosmetic surgery for males is no longer completely rejected within Syrian society, despite the existing Eastern social controls. Many believe that in the face of the great medical development taking place in the world, and the cultural openness between different societies, it has become natural for some young men to resort to plastic surgery, as This is normal as long as it is adopted within reasonable limits, and is linked to a specific medical need to beautify a deformity, but when the matter turns into an obsession, as is happening with women currently, this is where the “disaster” lies.
Despite the increasing rates of male demand in Syria for plastic surgery, it has not yet reached high rates and remains within the minimum limits, compared to other countries, due to the presence of several factors that limit the spread of this phenomenon, including: the war on the country, economic factors, and social controls, which impose Males often have a certain lifestyle

rama Elba

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