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Black and White: Why Is Our Life Limited to Two Choices?


My ambitions have always been bigger than my circumstances, and I have never been convinced by the saying "cut your coat according to your cloth." "Life is a moment," they say, "Life is one day. Either you try everything in it, or it passes without anything new, and you become just a copy of those who came before you and those who will come after you – all on the same motionless boat."

Life is a grand adventure, a huge race whose heroes are the adventurers, lovers, friends, and family. Everyone around you is a hero in the story of your life, so make it an unforgettable adventure. You may stumble upon words of discouragement, opposing voices, and looks that criticize what you do. In reality, they are envious looks at what you are doing because no one is used to going off the beaten path, breaking the rules, and violating the customs and ways of the people.

For years, we humans have tended to lean towards a safe, routine life and live in a somewhat controlled comfort zone. However, we are occasionally visited by daring ideas that make us crave trying new things, leading to an eternal struggle within the soul between the desire for adventure and the fear of failure.

We have been given great energies, which we sometimes waste unconsciously due to our lack of knowledge of our strengths or our harshness towards ourselves by setting high expectations that make it easy for us to sense the worst and retreat. Yet, we still delight in listening to stories of breaking the mold and embracing the unconventional, success stories of people who broke the pattern of their choices by making brave decisions to move forward with their ideas. It doesn't mean they overcame fear completely; they merely reconciled with anxiety and overcame the feeling of uncertainty about the results.

In this context, why do we surrender ourselves to habit, mechanism, and repetitive routine, forgetting that we are truly free? Who said we must live in a world that offers us only two choices? Why don't we search for a third, fourth, or fifth option at our leisure?

This means we should not limit ourselves to the choices presented to us but strive to create new and suitable options for ourselves. In fact, the ability to create a third option or even more is particularly important in our changing and complex world. Many people suffer from being torn between two conflicting choices, but by searching, exploring, and innovating, a third option can be achieved that meets their needs and satisfies them.

This means that we have the ability to determine the course of our lives and shape our own choices, not limiting ourselves to only traditional or known options. Remember that we live in a diverse and changing world, and the available choices are not always sufficient or suitable.

Why forget that we have wings and settle for clinging to holes out of fear and cowardice instead of trying to fly? It is necessary, my friend, to start searching for new, innovative, and different options that meet your needs and satisfy you, and not to let the nonsense of your society obscure the sky of your freedom of choice. But remember that creating a third option requires courage, innovation, and challenge, and it is possible that it will face opposition and criticism from others. Be prepared for endurance, patience, and steadfastness in your principles and the ideas you love, and work with balance and wisdom in your pursuit of a third option that suits your aspirations for a distinct life. Freedom and breaking free from the wrong programming we were raised on are two sides of the same happiness.

Dear reader, never be afraid to try something new, for life becomes too boring when you set limits for yourself. Remember that happiness has many paths, but they are simple; they only require us to think for moments and recalculate from the beginning: Is what we planned for our life's journey correct, or does our life need something different?

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