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The Syrian age measurement unit


 2024 is false... I think it is before Christ, not after. All the phenomena we are witnessing in this country are still trying with all their might to stop and kill the lives of Syrians in very long queues, even longer than their lifespans - static queues for 14 years now. 

If you add up the time you've spent standing in queues in this country, starting from queuing for bakeries, waiting for official rations, along with the time you currently spend in front of "cashiers", to waiting for'll discover that nearly a quarter of your life is spent standing in some queue waiting for "relief".

The government is always ingenious in creating new queues that apply pressure on the Syrian citizen to obtain basic food supplies "sugar, rice, tea...etc.", in addition to queues for basic fuel materials "mazut, gas, and gasoline". In front of bill payment kiosks, queues accumulate and lengthen, with each bill requiring a whole day and sometimes a week of a citizen's life to be able to pay it. 

Perhaps the idea that queues and people's organization in them is evidence of equality, civilization and development comforts you, but you soon erase your rosy thoughts after discovering that the queue has become a unit for measuring our lifespans that can only be described as queues of oppression and humiliation.

This one has lived twenty queues, and that one is long-lived as his life reached eighty queues, and another was abducted while in his eighth queue, so the queue has become a measure of Syrians' lifespans. It is the inverse relationship from the perspective of Syrian mathematics...the longer the queue, the shorter the lifespan.

If this is truly the case, then everyone would prefer to stand at the front of the line, to shorten their life filled with pain, suffering and racing against time every time. 

In reality and away from theorizing, standing in queues does not shorten lifespans "for lifespans are in God's hands", but it delays reconstruction because the wasted time due to "cashier" queues and waiting for vans robs citizens of their most precious hours of life. All Syrians spend their lives under the President's Bridge, in front of Syrian Trade centers, and many more, instead of spending time on intellectual, cultural and economic progress.

Even university and school students do not have time for that, although progress and advancement rests on their shoulders, but they are lost on the roads waiting for a "van" to transport them to their universities or schools - it's the transportation crisis!

And in this case, the queue is also present, but its presence here is slightly distinguished, mixed with bruises, fighting, racing, and sometimes obscene language. In the transportation queue, survival is for the fittest, not for those who wait longer or are more patient - the more you "push", the more you'll win and reach where you want.

On the other hand, these queues create a kind of intimacy between those waiting, as the need arises to fill the time with different conversations. Here you can hear talks about politics, sociology, religion, economics, general culture, and domestic matters.

You may be lucky enough to listen to someone describing medicines, or eavesdrop on the cell phone of the person next to you, through which you can glean knowledge about technology, cars, money laundering, the relationship between the dollar, gold and oil, until your eavesdropping reaches the details of the relationship between the cell phone owner and their lover, and you may even rejoice if things are going well on behalf of the actual person in the relationship.

The British are said to be the most skilled people in the world at queuing, to the point that every Briton can queue alone from birth. It seems this war has made Syrians surpass the British in these matters, for every Syrian morning queues up in front of the mirror to count the queues of their daily problems before deciding to queue for "sustenance queues".

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