Social Articles

"A woman's screams" between violence and male instinct


Under the harsh spotlight of reality, the world immerses itself in a painful narrative, the story of gender-based violence, the hidden monster that infiltrates the depths of societies, spreading terror and injustice, injuring souls and shattering dreams.


Harsh statistics dance to promote the tale of horror, but are numbers alone sufficient to portray this humanitarian catastrophe? Here are the broken spirits, the faces of wounded women, and the stolen dreams of girls calling out to us from within the pages of cold reports. In this world filled with dust and darkness, the voice of oppressed women rises, echoing in every corner.


The term gender-based violence is defined as "any harmful act committed against a person's will and based on socially ascribed (gender) differences between males and females, which violates human rights. It includes acts that cause physical, mental, or sexual harm or suffering, as well as threats of such acts, coercion, or other deprivations of liberty."


Distorted Reflections

When we talk about covering gender-based violence, we enter a complex and sensitive world that involves vocabulary and issues considered "taboos" in societies. It requires us to uncover intimate and painful matters.


Covering this topic poses a challenge, particularly in societies characterized by traditions and established religions. It is easy for us to shy away from delving into discussing this issue, but the consequences of neglecting its aspects are far worse. Neglecting it will reinforce a "culture of impunity" that allows perpetrators to escape punishment and accountability. Moreover, this neglect will negatively affect the judges' and jurors' perception of the crimes committed and prevent the inclusion of the issue in the public and political agenda.


In a world full of myths and misconceptions about our issue, it is essential that we break traditional constraints and shed light on the painful truths that must be confronted. We cannot ignore the fact that gender-based violence is not limited to a specific category of individuals but affects all individuals, regardless of factors such as social class, race, religion, educational level, and personal history.


Gender-Based Violence in the Face of Conflict and Disasters


In the midst of humanitarian crises, the risks of gender-based violence escalate horrifically. Women and girls affected by humanitarian crises, whether arising from conflicts or natural disasters, face immense challenges. Displaced from their homes and supportive communities, women find themselves vulnerable to danger.


The risks faced by those affected by the Syrian crisis, in particular, are manifold, but the issues are shared. In some areas, relief services for survivors are absent, and women may refrain from reporting incidents due to fear of stigma, social exclusion, and the so-called "honor crimes" and other forms of retaliation.


When discussing gender-based violence, it is necessary to address the issue of early marriage for girls, a practice that existed in some Syrian local communities prior to the war. However, the crisis has exacerbated this crime. The absence of economic security, the belief that marriage will provide protection in an unstable environment, and the lack of alternative opportunities all contribute to this issue. Additionally, we cannot ignore that the increasing fear of sexual assault and harassment further restricts women.


While poverty and conflicts may increase the likelihood of certain forms of gender-based violence, using them as justifications is unacceptable. We must remember that violence arises from structures of power, discrimination, and social inequality, and it occurs in all economic and social situations.


After the Shock of Rape:

Gender-based violence has serious consequences, including health implications such as unwanted pregnancies, complications from unsafe abortions, and sexually transmitted infections.


Rape and sexual harassment also have devastating psychological and social effects on survivors. They become susceptible to depression, anxiety disorders, guilt, and shame.


In terms of societal consequences, survivors face social stigma. However, the danger lies in the fact that the repercussions of these crimes go beyond stigma and extend to isolation, social rejection, and the loss of the ability to interact with family and society, which can lead to suicide.


Constructive Solutions to Address the Psychological and Social Consequences of Rape and Sexual Harassment:


It is essential to provide community and psychological support and empower economic systems to address the psychological and social repercussions of rape and sexual harassment. Blaming survivors should be abandoned, as the language and phrases we use every day shape our reality. Beliefs that support rape are embedded in our discourse, such as phrases like "maybe her clothes provoked it" or "she wanted it."


We can let go of language and songs that blame the victims, target survivors, and seek excuses for harassment and rape. What survivors wear and the places they were at a particular time are not invitations for rape.


Because as long as the rape culture takes various forms that differ according to contexts and time, it is important to realize that rape culture goes beyond the narrow concept of a man assaulting a woman walking alone at night.


The Harsh Reality of Lack of Accountability:


Under the title "Lack of Accountability," the harsh reality of criminal laws in Syria reveals significant gaps in holding perpetrators accountable for rape and sexual harassment. While Syrian criminal law is known for its strict laws, there are specific aspects that raise concerns and questions about the rights of survivors and justice.


Among these gaps is the failure to criminalize marital rape specifically. While rape is considered a serious crime in the law, husbands are not punished for raping their wives. This legal deficiency leads to the violation of women's rights and the continued exposure to sexual violence within marriage.


Additionally, the Syrian legislature lacks a clear definition of the crime of sexual harassment. There is no specific crime for it in the penal or labor laws. However, the law stipulates punishment for "criminal behavior that assaults modesty." But this vague definition of sexual harassment makes it difficult to achieve justice for the victims of these crimes and leaves room for conflicting interpretations and evading accountability.


In an attempt to promote "accountability," some provisions in the penal laws allow for reducing the punishment for rapists and offenders of other crimes if they marry the victim. This raises questions about the legal system's appreciation for the value of the victim's life and dignity, as the rapist can manipulate the law and escape punishment through marriage.


Cultural Perspective:


The culture of gender-based violence surrounds us, and we find its roots in our thoughts and conversations. While contexts may vary, this culture is always rooted in principles of power and control. It significantly reflects the image of society and influences its behaviors and perceptions of gender and human relationships.


As we explore the challenges of combating this culture, we must approach this issue seriously and with a dedicated focus on change. We need to avoid the trivialization and dismissive attitudes that may inappropriately portray these crimes. Jokes or humorous remarks that treat rape lightly reinforce the urgent need to raise awareness and change the entrenched culture. When we view this issue as a cultural matter, it emphasizes the importance of changing existing concepts about sexual relationships and mutual consent. People need to understand that sexual coercion is unacceptable, and individuals must respect the rights and privacy of others.


These assaults are never a joking matter. Jokes about rape erase the legitimacy of survivors' demands, making it difficult for them to speak out. Humor that normalizes and justifies sexual violence is unacceptable.


Let us listen to the screams of silence and hear the cries of broken hearts. In that listening, the harsh truth behind the statistics will be revealed. Through our attentive listening, we will find the fire of anger igniting within us. Let us stand together against this masked monster and shine the light of justice on souls in need of healing and love.

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