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Communication between sky and earth


When you move through some old neighborhoods or suburbs, in various Syrian governorates, you will notice the presence of flocks of pigeons hovering around specific geographical areas, interfering with each other. If you look closely, you will find someone leading these flocks from the rooftops, carrying in his hand a slingshot for throwing stones or an erected black rag. On a long reed, it's a pigeon's feather.
Bird raising is widespread as a hobby or as a source of livelihood in many areas of Syria, where “Kasha” is held on the roofs of residential buildings, but it has increased significantly in recent times due to poor living conditions, and although it is rejected by members of society, its practitioners do not care about this rejection.
Cipher language:
If you hear the word Karsh, Alesh, or Salab, what do you understand? These are phrases from the language of the “Kashashah”, which they use in their conversations about pigeons. Of course, you did not and will not understand any of them as long as you are not a Kashshasha language, and at first glance you might think that they are codes between them.
Regarding the meanings of these words, Karash means mating, Alish means changing his feathers, and Salab means the nets they turn over the birds they want to catch.

Special mood and hobby:
The special temperament of pigeon breeders and their love for their birds motivates them to raise them, just like other people who have other interests, but they are exposed to contempt and bullying from people who describe them as thugs and liars.

These breeders look at their birds with great passion. They spend long hours in front of the cages or in the pigeon house on the roofs of their homes, and they consider that their day is not happy, except by watching their birds, and bragging about the most expensive types.

One of the official sources quoted a breeder as saying: “I support an entire family by selling pigeons, so what is the problem with that?” Will this cause harm to anyone? Isn’t it better than sitting idle?” “I have a strong affection for some birds, so I keep them for the rest of their lives and do not sell them,” stressing that his worst moments are the times when the bird is dying and dying.

Rejection upon marriage request:
According to bird breeders, they are forced to abandon their birds and move them to other places before they propose marriage because this profession is capable of rejecting any girl’s family, even though it is a source of livelihood for many young men in light of the difficult economic conditions.

They liken themselves to a farmer who cultivates the land and waits for the harvest season. They also wait for the chicks to hatch, especially if they have the aesthetic specifications required by customers in order to reap profits.

This profession, like any other, has advantages in the profit made from raising birds and disadvantages in the bad reputation that accrues to them as breeders.

Quarrels, whistling, and disturbance to neighbors:
On the other hand, many citizens who live opposite a roof with a “pigeon cage” on it point to the inconvenience caused by whistling and throwing vegetables at a flock of pigeons to make them fly higher, in addition to issuing bad verbal expressions and quarrels between pigeon scouts over a lost bird, all of which makes The neighbors are afraid of their reaction.
Sometimes the bird does not hesitate to make different sounds to make his birds fly. Sometimes he whistles, other times he hits the tank boards, and many times he reaches the point of shooting a hunting rifle, which causes disturbance to the neighborhood, both old and young.

It is worth noting that raising animals inside residential buildings is not permitted, and when any violation occurs, animal husbandry is organized within the regulatory plan and the owners are warned to remove the violation immediately.

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