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War without Raa


In the Arabic language, there are 38 words that signify love, but when it comes to the relationship between males and females, there are 14 stages. The first stage of love is 'Hawa' (passion) and "the heart and what it desires," and the last stage is 'Huyam', which means madness and irrational feelings. This is the result of a long journey of love, which can reach the extent of spiritual and physical surrender to the partner. All these feelings, meanings, and details are encapsulated in just two letters, dropped into the human mind but not every human.

The beginning of distortion, Layla's Madman:

Between 'Hawa' and 'Huyam', those varying feelings fall between longing and yearning. Who doesn't know the story of Qays and Layla, and her family's opposition to the idea of marriage? Despite different reasons in many narratives, the concept revolves around opposition. Is rejecting love a form of regional and religious intolerance, and other aspects? Did Qays need a tent and a purebred Arabian horse instead of a house and a car today? But in reality, since then, females have had no decision or choice, even in expressing their opinion. This is the crux of the matter, and what we have reached in thought and thinking today is that the woman of today is a product of yesterday's parental thought.

Poetesses without a Poem:

To reinforce the latter point about females expressing love, ancient poets excelled and sang about love, showering us with poems expressing longing, sadness, love, and separation. But who among us has heard or read a poem by a woman describing her state, feelings, and love for her partner? Knowing that in that era, words were influential, and from them, we understood the feelings of Antar for his beloved Abla, and we knew the state of Qays, the Madman for Layla, and according to narratives, the pure love between Buthaina and Jamil. But why did each of them recite poems and compose odes describing the beloved, which are now studied in expression, description, poetry, and literature for their eloquence and clarity, while women were even denied expression, for fear of bringing shame and death!

Love, "The Sweet Disbelief":

With the development of families opposing love in a female's mentality, some associated it with religion, and which religion? Islam! Wasn't Islam brought by the greatest Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who said, "I have been blessed with her love" referring to Lady Aisha, may God be pleased with her, where he would proudly talk about his love for her in gatherings and publicly. So, who do you follow?

Regardless of what is beyond our understanding, why has love for a woman over time become associated with shame, and why is it permissible for men and forbidden for women? Is the shame in expressing the noblest feeling in the world, or is it in rejecting the expression of love? In one of the stories of Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, which has nothing to do with females but with love, intention, and what God loves, when he was walking alone in a mountain, he saw a shepherd kneeling with his hands stretched towards the sky praying. Moses, peace be upon him, was filled with joy, and as he approached, he heard the shepherd saying: "Oh God, what do you want? Even if you want me to slaughter a fat sheep from my flock for you, I will not hesitate. I will roast it and put 'Liteh' in the rice to make it delicious. Then I will wash your feet and clean your ears. This is how much I love you." At that moment, Moses shouted at him, "Stop, you ignorant man! Do you think God eats rice? This is not a prayer, this is pure disbelief." The shepherd apologized and promised to pray as the devout do.

That night, Prophet Moses heard a voice. It was the voice of God: "What have you done, Moses? You have scolded the poor shepherd, and you did not realize my affection for him. He may not have been praying correctly, but he was sincere in his words. His heart is pure, and his intention is good. I am pleased with him. His words may seem like disbelief to your ears, but to me, they were sweet disbelief."

From the Sword to "I am the Man and You Must Take My Permission":

The woman's shame is ingrained, and society's and families' view of a woman expressing her love has not changed. In line with 'their religion,' because neither God Almighty nor the Prophet, peace be upon him, rejected love or even its expression, the sharp sword evolved into words. Society reinforced the man's intellectual and, unfortunately, religious extremism, weakening the woman in every aspect and dressing her in a garment of shame without any action, and a garment of humiliation if she contradicted her husband. It almost reached the point of needing permission to go to the bathroom, and I will not talk about sex, which deserves a separate article, for fear of offending someone currently. Here, the man desires what he loves, not what she loves or even what they both love.

Men have complete freedom for their wives to dress up for them however they want, and women too. But there is no shame in expressing opinions on her way of life and clothes, as long as it satisfies both parties without causing harm, even at an emotional level. Everything in a woman's history and related to her was imposed. We saw the man who is religiously, instinctively, and intellectually bigoted. What if a woman expressed her feelings? How would society be? How would the man be?

In conclusion, a woman is not just for the kitchen. She has her own entity, life, passion, dreams, aspirations, what she strives for and what strives for her. And remember that the first to stand with Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in spreading Islam was his wife Khadijah, may God be pleased with her. This is because behind every great man is a woman.

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