Social Articles

From Circumstances to the Path of Creativity


As each dawn breaks, the numbers of beggars multiply in front of the authorities' eyes. Despite the awareness of the danger and prevalence of this phenomenon, it has not received the attention and follow-up it deserves.

All you have to do is take a whole day from your time to wander through some streets of the capital, Damascus. Wherever you turn, you find children and women lying on the roads and alleys in the pursuit of "livelihood." They proliferate like a virus that the world cannot deter, portraying the worst uncivilized images of the country. Between need and degradation, the facts are lost – it is begging that corrodes the streets of Damascus.

A Profession in its Own Right... With Tools

This phenomenon tries to classify itself within the list of professions, innovating the latest tools and techniques. In the face of its practitioners, one feels pity. You cannot help but be affected by their painful and sorrowful conditions, as they emit the worst uncivilized images of the country, and the truth is lost between need and degradation. It is begging that corrodes the streets of Damascus.

Under the title of "Silent Begging," here, the beggar does not ask for money, nor does he utter the famous begging phrases like "it's God's money, O benefactors." Instead, he contentedly lies on the street or in parks, sidewalks, and sleeps on a piece of cardboard or spreads the road in front of him with scattered tissue boxes. He sits in front of it, placing his hand on his head with sadness and sorrow. They sit next to garbage containers in deadly silence, and only their eyes speak, as part of their tragic scenes.

Perhaps the most dreadful tool used by begging in recent times is infants. This scene is the most unjust among all the roads and paths that this phenomenon takes. Many women offer their infant in front of all passersby to obtain money.

Recently, placards accompanying them during their sitting on the streets have become widespread. These placards contain information about the person and their situation, how many children they have, and information that evokes emotions and sharpens compassion. In addition, they include pleas for help as part of their marketing and promotional tools.

While walking in Bab Tuma, we observed an elderly man who stood on his feet after he had been moving on a wheelchair. He continued his way on foot, looking around fearfully to avoid being seen by anyone as healthy and not disabled. There are many others who pretend to be blind or disabled.

"Begging by Force"

Unacceptable behaviors by some beggars in the streets and roads provoke the citizens' anger. The friendly and calm beggar, who continuously prays for you with cheerful hands, trying to invoke your compassion and persuade you to empty your wallet, turns into a ferocious, aggressive monster, showering you with insults and curses if you refuse to help, and may even escalate to insulting you and grabbing your clothes if you resist. Citizens consider female beggars more prone to aggression and insults compared to men, who simply ask for help and send some invitations.

Children may resort to pulling your clothes if you refuse to help, chasing you, and trying to block your path, using the approach of pleading and insistence. What you have to do, dear citizen, is to give them willingly or unwillingly, or resist if you can bear the "criticism" and escape from the clothes-pulling, and sometimes receive curses that you can hear or not.

From Streets to the Internet

This phenomenon has reached the public online space and is no longer confined to traffic signals and road corners. It repeats a script with repeated details but with new heroes. It is electronic begging through appeals on social media pages.

Almost daily, messages from accounts with fake names are sent, spreading stories to gain the sympathy of group members, especially on Facebook, to obtain financial assistance.

If they receive a response and someone communicates with them to settle specific fees

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