Economic articles

America Pays the Price for its Isolationist Policies


The countdown to economic catastrophe in America has begun. While some were preoccupied with political and military developments, the economic clock was ticking slowly towards zero.

Despite the belief that America, with its strength and influence, would remain immune to economic collapses, alarming statistics now indicate an unprecedented economic disaster looming on the horizon. With a staggering total sovereign debt of 34 trillion dollars, experts warn that if the current pattern of reckless government spending continues, an economic collapse will hit within the next ten years.

Once considered an economic powerhouse and a source of global economic growth, the United States is now heading towards a terrifying financial abyss, as stated by James Dimon, CEO of one of the largest American banks. The U.S. Treasury Secretary also recently described the country's external debt as "terrifying" by all standards.

The government's debt has increased by 4 trillion dollars in less than a year, reaching unprecedented levels. The dire financial situation is highlighted by the fact that the federal government's debt reached 33 trillion dollars in September and rose to 34 trillion dollars on January 3rd.

The fiscal year that ended in September was one of the worst for the U.S. budget, recording one of the largest deficits in its modern history. The budget deficit soared to 1.7 trillion dollars, a 23% increase from the previous year, signaling a rapid financial deterioration for the world's largest economy.

The main reason behind this sharp increase in the deficit is the soaring interest payments on the world's largest public debt. The servicing cost of the U.S. debt has reached a new record of 80 billion dollars per month, posing a significant threat to the U.S. economy.

With each passing month, the financial situation of the United States worsens, with the debt servicing crisis and financial erosion reaching unprecedented levels. Will they be able to rescue themselves from this critical situation before it's too late?

Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska had earlier warned of an imminent collapse of the U.S. economy due to the burden of debt and rising servicing costs, which would inevitably lead to a reduction in U.S. military ambitions worldwide. According to the International Monetary Fund's estimates, the U.S. public debt is expected to rise to 126% of the gross domestic product by 2024.

The economic downturn in America coincides with President Biden's request to Congress for an additional 105 billion dollars for security and military expenses, including 61 billion dollars for Ukraine and 14 billion dollars for Israel, as if the deteriorating financial situation was not enough.

While the U.S. administration boasted about its role as the "world's policeman" and the champion of freedom and democracy, it is now reaping the consequences of its unilateral and irresponsible foreign policies.

As Washington poured billions of dollars into military support for Ukraine without restrictions and supplied Israel with its deadliest weapons for committing atrocities against Palestinians, it turned a blind eye to the indicators of imminent bankruptcy and economic collapse reflected in its record-breaking debt.

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