Various Articles

The Essence of Femininity in the Face of Challenges


Series: The Pulse of the Besieged City

Part One: The Essence of Femininity in the Face of Challenges


The tears of pain moisten the besieged land, and the voices of Palestinian women resonate in every corner of this afflicted territory. They suffer silently, ignored and overlooked by the world, as their tragic stories have been reduced to mere statistics, and their devastated souls are treated as a cheap game.


Under the harsh Zionist occupation, Palestinian women are subjected to horrifying scenes, accompanied by screams of pain and tears of despair. They are subjected to harsh restrictions that turn their lives into an open prison, where they are deprived of freedom, the right to movement, and access to basic services. Hearts thirsty for hope bleed, and weary souls wonder about their fate in this bitter reality.


Amidst this deep darkness, physical and psychological violence ravages Palestinian women. Their bodies and emotions become a stage for torture and brutal assaults. They endure harassment, rape, and merciless torture, resulting in physical pain beyond description and psychological wounds that leave indelible marks on their shattered spirits.


The Hidden Brutality as Narrated by Witnesses of Darkness


On August 12, 1949, at the "Nirim" Israeli military site located in the Negev Desert, a battalion of Israeli occupation soldiers detained a young Palestinian girl after killing her family. They raped her multiple times before eventually killing her, burying her in the desert at a depth of less than an arm's length. The burial site later became one of the fundamental places upon which the "State of Israel" was built.


This is a painting drawn with the misery of facts and the sadness of reality, taking us back to a historical context pulsating with the horrifying assaults suffered by Palestinian women. It reveals the ongoing effects of violence and injustice to this day.


In this regard, a new report by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor has unveiled painful testimonies about the brutal torture inflicted on female detainees from the Gaza Strip, including sexual harassment, stripping, and threats of raping their families.


The observatory has received testimonies from recently released detainees who spoke about severe crimes and violations committed against them by Israeli occupation soldiers. They were subjected to brutal and retaliatory torture, including beatings, prolonged blindfolding, complete nudity, touching their private parts, forced undressing and unveiling, physical harassment by soldiers and recruits, as well as deprivation of food and access to toilets.


It is worth mentioning that during the months of December and January, several videos and photos were published showing detainees from Gaza being transported in trucks while blindfolded and naked. Furthermore, there have been repeated images that prove the occupation's use of sexual assault and physical humiliation as methods of torture.


As for accurately monitoring the number of female detainees from the Gaza Strip, there is insufficient information about their exact number, except for recent announcements by Israel stating that the number of detainees is 2,300, including women. However, estimates indicate that the number, based on the testimonies of released detainees, is much higher and could reach several thousands.


We clearly see the recurrence of testimonies and images that prove the brutality of this entity, and its enjoyment in subjugating and humiliating women in Gaza. It seems that the relentless bombardment is not enough for them, as they resort to terrorist methods such as torture and sexual assault as weapons of war against the detainees.


Suppressed Menstruation


Palestinian girls and women in the Gaza Strip face "humiliating" conditions during their menstrual cycle two months after the war. They find themselves forced to use pieces of cloth or diapers instead of sanitary pads.


Since the outbreak of the war four months ago, Palestinians have faced severe shortages of food, water, and even personal hygiene supplies in southern Rafah, where 1.9 million people have sought refuge.


Many Palestinian refugee women who have fled their camps due to the Israeli aggression tear up their children's clothes or any pieces of fabric they can find to use as makeshift pads during their menstrual cycles. They have even resorted to tearing the fabric of the tents they live in.


This has caused rashes and skin infections for many women, and the tragedy is exacerbated by the fact that these infections require medication and healing creams that are difficult to obtain, and it is challenging for these women to access them.


Women line up in long queues waiting to use the toilets in the camps, while flies are everywhere, and foul odors emanate from the bathrooms. It is a place where the most basic human necessities are absent, where there is no safety, food, water, cleanliness, or menstrual pads, as well as bathing water.


The demand for contraceptive methods has increased because women no longer want to experience their menstrual cycles. These contraceptive pills work to delay or prevent menstruation. This coincides with their living conditions in crowded facilities, which suffer from shortages of bathing facilities, with only one shower available for every 700 people and one toilet for every 150 people.


Lost Lives


In a dark corner of misery, innocent souls are lost without meaning, hopes and dreams shattered in moments, a tragedy beyond imagination, scripted by the pens of Zionist occupation.


Human stories intersect with the pain of war and the struggle of occupation, revealing tales of the simple and their determination to survive despite the hell that surrounds them.


Here, where bravery and resilience reign over reality, women in Gaza live in a constant confrontation with multiple threats plotted against them. They appear as guiding lights in the darkness, resisting with all their strength and determination the drought that besieges their lives.


Within the walls of Gaza's hospitals, women fight from all sides to preserve the lives of their unborn children. However, harsh conditions and a lack of healthcare make the struggle even more brutal.


At least 50,000 women in Gaza are pregnant, facing the risks of unintended miscarriages, premature labor, or even death during childbirth.


Amidst the savage Zionist war waged by Israel on the Gaza Strip since October, pregnant women have become exposed to extreme dangers. In this context, medical reports indicate a significant increase in abortion rates, reaching up to 300%.


In the face of these harsh conditions, pregnant women find themselves forced to undergo cesarean sections without basic medical care, in the absence of anesthesia and sterilization supplies. This exposes them to serious infections, bleeding, and inflammations, leading to noticeable increases in maternal mortality rates.


They face resource shortages and a lack of medical care, finding themselves in a battle for survival. Few have the ability to access prenatal or postnatal care, while many find themselves trapped in overcrowded shelters, forced to face the hardships alone.


Among the ruins of the spirit:

In the heart of devastated Gaza, their broken souls dance on the stage of destruction, and their dreams fade away in the fragments of Israeli bombardment that knows no mercy.


The women of the besieged territory bear a burden that is beyond anyone's imagination, a burden that the heart cannot contain. They oscillate between a state of shock and loss, as war snatches their loved ones away in an unexpected moment, and innocent laughter fades. Arbitrary arrests and direct targeting by the Zionists leave deep scars on their souls, adding to their dual burden as mothers and providers for their families.


In those difficult times, the women of Gaza endure challenging experiences that leave a profound impact deep within them. The word "shock" becomes a mere expression incapable of describing the realities. Their hearts are torn apart, their dreams vanish, and their hopes shatter under the weight of destruction and loss.


The psychological impact of this brutal aggression extends to other aspects, and the harsh conditions add a touch of fierce cruelty. Shelter collapses and food supplies dwindle. The destroyed homes and dilapidated shelters reflect the state of chaos and displacement they go through. They live in a state of homelessness and constant fear.


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