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Winter Sponsored by "Abu al-Solutions"


Blankets, containers, and plastic bags filled with hot water are the new means of heating for most Syrians, as they have dispensed with all previously known methods and replaced them with primitive ones or whatever they can find in containers made of plastic and plant residues, due to the high prices of heaters first and then the fuel needed to operate them such as diesel, gas, firewood and the lack of electricity.

The winter season worries Syrians because of the burdens and suffering it carries. Heating fuel is no longer within everyone's reach, and the living conditions weigh heavily on them, forcing them to look for alternatives that may be dangerous and harmful to their health and the health of their children, as fuel prices rise significantly, and the available alternatives are also expensive. 

Only 15% rely on diesel in the winter, as they "luxuriate" in what is allocated to them annually according to what the smart card allows, which is 50 subsidized liters per year, at a cost of 110,000 Syrian pounds, then they head to the black market after it runs out and pay around 12,000 pounds per liter. Firewood prices have also become high and are out of the purchasing power of a large segment of Syrians, as the price of one kilo is around 5,000 pounds, meaning you need around 150,000 pounds per month depending on the quantity you buy, while the monthly "salary" is not enough to bear the cost of both options in the first place.  

It is known that the prices of petroleum products set by the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection are higher than the global average prices by at least 20%.

The affluent here rely on gas and electricity in the areas with the least rationing, accounting for only 5%. The well-off may opt to purchase electric carpets despite their "flaws". 

The Syrian market has also seen a trend towards buying alcohol-fueled heaters despite their danger, fast flammability, and tendency to cause fires. Their prices start from 60,000 Syrian pounds up to 350,000, while a liter of “spirit” costs 18,000.

As for the rest, more than 55%, they rely on primitive heating tools such blankets, or they place a "tank" and fill it with wood or leaf residues and plastic materials. The use of "dung", which is animal waste, or “olive pomace”, which is olive pressing residue, has become widespread as alternatives. Most of these are in villages. 

Some citizens have resorted to using “hot water bags”. The prices of a hot water bag range between 35,000 Syrian pounds and 190,000 Syrian pounds. But the quality here is well known, and this bag may melt after a few uses.

Amidst the current economic situation and the severe fuel shortage, most Syrians were forced to change their habits and traditions related to heating means in order to face the brutality of winter. They certainly do not rely today on one method only but use diesel sometimes, firewood and blankets, "depending on circumstances”.

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