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The Israeli Schizophrenia


To kill a person, then swagger at his funeral, and worse, to be present at that funeral while in full view of everyone who witnessed your crime, and then to move among them without fear or even batting an eyelid... Where do you get this confidence from? Is it conceivable to sell your conscience to the extent that you rationalize your act and find justifications for it?

This is what the Israeli occupation did when the International Court of Justice condemned it, and the South African government filed a case against it on the tenth of this month for its genocide against the Palestinians.

During its reading, it was discovered that the order of the papers had changed, and another person from his team had forgotten his papers entirely, creating a state of confusion in the corridors of the International Court of Justice as the Israeli defense attorney attempted to polish the image of the Israeli entity and justify its aggression and crimes with baseless arguments unrelated to reality.
Even a child attending the hearing would fully realize the dissonance between the entity's weak justifications and the painful reality witnessed in the sector.

The Israeli legal team insisted that the military objective was to eliminate the existential threat posed by Palestinian resistance fighters and denied that the purpose of this aggression was to exterminate the Palestinian people. However, the real picture, away from these arguments, is that the Israeli violations resulted in the martyrdom of thousands of Palestinians.
In numbers, more than 24,000 Palestinians were killed within three months, and more than 10,000 others were lost under the rubble, likely also killed, in addition to a horrifying escalation in racist discourse that dehumanizes Palestinians by some Israeli government and military officials.

All this coupled with Israel's imposition of an illegal blockade on Gaza, severely restricting civilians' access to water, food, medical aid, and fuel, causing unimaginable levels of suffering and endangering the survival of those inside Gaza. And the goal is not extermination?!
In a related context to the trial, the Israeli defense attorney told the court that the Israeli "army" is making significant efforts to minimize the damage to civilians, some of which exceed the requirements of international law. Meanwhile, an Israeli channel denies these claims, having previously stated that Israel is considering hiding the names of its officers for fear of being pursued by international justice. So, what is happening?

It seems that the Israeli "state" forgot to organize its ranks and unify its discourse amidst the war and the insults it faced.
Regarding the lawyer's claims that Israel seeks to reduce damage to civilians, Palestinians in Gaza are being killed if they fail to evacuate and in the places they flee to, and even while trying to escape along the safe routes announced by the occupation.

The level of widespread Israeli killing is such that there is no safe place in the stricken sector, and the destruction exceeds any legally acceptable justification, let alone any humanitarian justification.

Several videos circulated on social media show Israeli soldiers blowing up residential buildings and entire town squares, raising the Israeli flag over the debris, seeking to rebuild their settlements on the ruins of homes, thus destroying any foundation for Palestinian life in Gaza.

However, Israel still vehemently denies this accusation, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described it as a "false accusation." Either they suffer from mental illnesses that have lost their focus between reality and fantasy, or there is another definition of genocide in their dictionary. But the calamity here is enormous; if what is happening now in the sector is not genocide, what would real genocide look like?!

The farce is not over yet. The Israeli President, Isaac Herzog, previously stated that his country would present the case of "self-defense" to show that it is doing "everything possible" under "extremely complex circumstances" to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza.

Yet, Israel, in violation of all norms and international laws, bombs everything and destroys everything to satisfy its thirst for the blood of infants and the wounded who it failed to kill under the roofs of their collapsing homes due to its missiles and bombs.

In one of the harshest massacres committed by the Israeli occupation against the people of Palestine, Israeli aircraft bombed the Al-Maamadani Hospital in Gaza City on October 18th last year, resulting in the martyrdom of hundreds of civilians, mostly children and women, amid international green light for Israel to continue its attack against the besieged residents of Gaza. > بنبونة ???? ????: Returning to the case filed by the South African government, Eliav Lieblich, a professor of international law at Tel Aviv University, told CNN that the case is important politically and legally, adding: "The claim of genocide is the most serious international legal accusation that can be directed against a state."
Israel described the case as a "blood libel" by South Africa, a veiled accusation of anti-Semitism, and insisted that it was the Palestinian resistance that committed genocide, and the Israeli "army" acts "in the most ethical ways" and "makes every effort to avoid harming civilians."
If so, why did Israel mobilize its diplomats to pressure countries to support its position and create international pressures against this case?
The Israeli claims and allegations, which a sane human mind cannot accept, continue to reveal a series of contradictions within its entity. A minister speaks in one direction, another in another direction, and Israeli civilians demand change and reform in their "government." What becomes clear is that the Al-Aqsa flood revealed the masks and showed the flaws and weaknesses in this entity.

The Israeli Minister of Heritage, Amichai Eliyahu, previously stated one of Israel's options in the war on Gaza was to "drop a nuclear bomb" on the defenseless sector.
Eliyahu insisted that Gaza only harbors Palestinian resistance forces, in the absence of civilians, and that providing humanitarian aid to the sector would constitute a "failure," and a nuclear attack on the sector is a "possible option."
Sailing with Eliyahu's sails, it becomes clear that his boat conflicts with the current of truth, as more than 10,000 children and 7,000 martyrs, not to mention 337 medical staff, 45 civil defense personnel, and the treachery of his flames reached 117 journalists.
We cannot address any Israeli farce without Netanyahu having a major presence in it, "Egy lihikla qam amaha," and indeed, this is what happened when Netanyahu tried to respond to Eliyahu to polish the image of the entity.
He says that Eliyahu's statements are "detached from reality" and that Israel and the Israeli army act according to international law to avoid harming civilians.
Moreover, there has never been a movement in Israel demanding the resignation of a prime minister during a war. Even amidst the failure of the October 1973 war, no one demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Golda Meir and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan.
Despite all this, Netanyahu continues to shirk responsibility for his repeated failures since taking office amid Israeli public opinion's condemnation of his policies.
Some Israeli analysts consider this political narcissism and a pattern of attributing successes to himself and failures to others.

Amidst all that happens, the real Palestinian scene remains the best evidence of the massacres, and the videos broadcast daily speak for themselves, with the numbers increasing day by day, Palestinian after Palestinian, proving the truth of the allegations, and the truth does not hide from anyone as it is as clear as the sun and as firm as the mountains." 

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