Politics news

"Ambassador of Peace" Polishes His Image


Amidst escalating regional tensions, the godfather of wars, former US President and candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, "Donald Trump" expected that we are on the verge of a third world war. 

He considered himself the "Ambassador of Peace" and the only savior of the world from entering into the impending war, according to his claim.

The motives behind his speech in front of his supporters in the state of "Iowa", and his attempt to polish his shaken image are clear, which is to consolidate his foothold in the American arena, to gain popular support in the upcoming elections. 

Trump also hit out at his rival "Biden's" administration, stressing that his administration is weak and ineffective, and that its opinion cannot be taken seriously on the world stage. 

He did not hesitate to condemn "Joe Biden", whose popularity has recently declined against the backdrop of his administration's support for the Israeli entity, clarifying that he is unable to bear responsibility, and successful in fraud, as he directed accusations at him and the Democratic Party of rigging the election results, and continued that they are skilled in persecuting their political opponents.

In a related context, the United States of America formed an allied force that supports its interests in fueling conflicts in the Middle East regions, named "Guardians of Prosperity" in cooperation with 20 countries, to continue its series of violations. 

The US-British forces launched attacks on areas in Yemen, which portends dangerous escalations affecting the region, and it is possible that the situation will get out of control, and that the war will expand to cover at least three or four fronts. 

Days ago, the US Pentagon transferred huge quantities of military vehicle fuel to the Philippines, and reports said it was a prelude to any possible confrontation with China due to Taiwan.

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