Politics news

The Myth of the Invincible Army Shattered


The "Sword of Al-Quds" battle launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7 shattered many myths propagated for years by the Israeli occupation army, as the recent escalation revealed that claims of its strength and weapons power are false, and that locally-made Palestinian rockets have turned what was promoted as the greatest Israeli weapons into scrap.

This was proven by the penetration and destruction of the "Yasin" rockets of the "Merkava 4" tank, which "Tel Aviv" boasts about as the most powerful in terms of structure and armor, as well as turning "Tiger" armored vehicles into moving coffins, which overturned the military balance of power.

At a time when the 360 square kilometers comprising the total area of besieged Gaza Strip confused the occupation officials, due to the resistance’s plans and its engagement with the enemy from behind its lines or from point-blank range with light and effective weapons, it has become a triangle of terror for the Zionist forces, with those entering it missing and those withdrawing from it injured, even by the enemy’s admission. 

The shock was not limited to the destruction of the “Merkava” tanks only, but went beyond that to the disabling of most modern technologies and artificial intelligence systems these tanks were equipped with. The "zero distance" plan adopted by the resistance stood in the way of using those technologies. And the occupation army found itself drowned in the quagmire of confusion and bewilderment, as its tanks fell one after the other despite their heavy fortification, while the resistance’s rockets chased them like snakes chasing mice in a tightly sealed trap. And so the curtain fell on the myth of the absolute immunity of the “Merkava” with all its sophisticated systems.

This is coupled with the admission of senior Israeli officials that the confrontation with the Palestinian resistance is long and grueling, as they acknowledged the state of confusion and bewilderment that afflicted their army as a result of the fall of hundreds of their soldiers and the destruction of their equipment on the ground in Gaza. This forced them to withdraw combat units from several axes there due to the tremendous losses. And despite the occupation’s attempts to conceal its human and material losses, the resistance media thwarted those efforts by broadcasting live footage of the wreckage of their machinery scattered around. They confirmed that the Yasin shells and the zero-distance strategy had shattered the myth of the “Merkava” and the “Tiger”, and made them a subject of ridicule and mockery on social media sites, in a painful blow to the Zionist entity no matter how much it tries to hide its defeat.

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