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Massacres by American Authorization


The United States of America, the loyal guardian of the occupation's massacres


Since the first spark of the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, the United States of America has not hesitated to provide an "actual license to kill Palestinians" under the guise of what it calls "effective bilateral diplomacy." At the UN Security Council sessions, it has repeatedly used the dirtiest pressure and blackmail tools, known as the "veto" right, against any resolution that serves the interests of the suffering Palestinians or alleviates their wounds, without any legitimacy.

Instead of calling for cessation of hostilities, it has called in all its councils for completely opposite appeals, that is, to prepare the battlefields in a way that serves its interests with the occupying Israeli entity, and played a conscienceless game in order "to preserve the full freedom of action of its main ally in the Middle East," providing the entity with licenses to continue its violations and aggression, under the pretext of "cleansing" Gaza as part of the so-called “comprehensive peace” agreement. 

Amidst the United States’ blessing of the annihilation of Gaza’s population, its positions have revealed about itself and made clear that the main goal behind all its behind-the-scenes conspiracies is not to reach “conciliatory” solutions, but to give Israeli soldiers their freedom to continue their brutality. 

The United States had used its "veto" to defeat an amendment to the resolution calling for expanding aid delivery in Gaza that called for a ceasefire in Gaza proposed by Russia.

Returning to the stage on which America plays the dirtiest leading roles, namely the Security Council. The council has not lived up to its name as the body responsible for promoting and protecting human rights, as it has been absent from the Zionists’ crimes for several decades, and has strongly participated in violating them and diverting attention from them.

Despite the repeated Zionist violations against Gaza, silence prevails in its halls, and its decisions have been ink on paper, without real and factual criminalization of the Israeli occupation, which has authorized the usurping entity to continue its massacres and robbed the council of its legitimacy and prolonged Gaza’s suffering.

As a clear indication of the White House rulers’ insistence on shedding the blood of Gaza’s people, how long will America continue to play the role of the loyal guardian of the occupation’s massacres against the Palestinians?”

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