Politics news

The Groans of Gaza's Children Echo


Children bear the brunt of the violence in the Gaza Strip, as they are still in the stages of physical, emotional and cognitive development. Studies indicate that some children in these circumstances have their cognitive development and mental abilities affected.  

The recent escalation had a devastating impact on them, as lives were lost and families torn apart. Amidst the violations, a new suffering was added to the agony of the Palestinian child, as more than 10 Palestinian children lose one or both of their legs daily in Gaza due to the aggression, and since its beginning, more than 1000 children have had their limbs amputated, with many of these operations being performed on them without anesthesia, amidst a total collapse of the healthcare system.  

It is worth mentioning that 13 out of 36 hospitals in Gaza are still partially operational, but they operate unpredictably, relying on access to basic medical supplies and fuel. The nine hospitals partially operating in the south are working at three times their capacity, while facing acute shortages of basic supplies and fuel. In addition, only 30% of Gaza's paramedics before the conflict are still working, according to the World Health Organization.  

Although scenes of aggression in Gaza are repeated scenarios, the images and sounds of a small child disfigured by bombs cannot be reconciled, as they are beyond the limits of humanity.  

Prior to the escalation of violence, more than a third of Gaza's children already needed support for conflict-related trauma. Undoubtedly, their needs for health services and psychosocial support have increased tremendously after the recent violence.

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