Politics news

Devastation Beyond Imagination Sweeps the Sector


In a horrifying event that defies description, the city of Gaza has been subjected to a destructive attack by Israel, resulting in unprecedented and immense destruction surpassing even that of Dresden in World War II.


The Israeli airstrikes have resulted in the martyrdom of over 34,000 Palestinians and left thousands wounded and afflicted with the consequences of war and hunger. The attacks have also caused massive material destruction in every corner of the sector.

According to analyses by a team of experts, approximately 56.9% of Gaza's buildings have been damaged or completely destroyed. This means that around 160,000 structures have been reduced to rubble and debris. The shocking reality is that the fastest rates of destruction occurred in the initial months of the bombardment, as the city endured relentless waves of ferocious attacks.

Hospitals and schools in Gaza have not been spared from the horrors of this devastating war. Health facilities have been repeatedly targeted, with 60% of them rendered destroyed or damaged. The Al-Shifa Medical Complex, the largest hospital in the sector, was subjected to separate attacks that left it transformed into a hollow structure witnessing the atrocities of war. On the other hand, 408 schools have suffered complete or partial damage, meaning that 72.5% of educational facilities have incurred significant harm.

The United Nations has indicated that the cost of reconstruction will range between 30 and 40 billion dollars. This is required to rebuild the devastated cities, hospitals, and destroyed schools, necessitating urgent intervention and international assistance to reconstruct the sector and alleviate the suffering of its inhabitants.

The people of the sector are living in a state of despair and experiencing economic and social deterioration in the aftermath of the Israeli attack. They are grappling with severe shortages of basic resources such as water, electricity, and food, along with the spread of diseases and a lack of healthcare due to the destruction of hospitals and medical facilities. Furthermore, many children have lost their families and homes, enduring profound psychological trauma.

Numerous countries and international organizations have made appeals to halt the violence and end the war in Gaza, while providing humanitarian aid to the affected population.

Despite the immense destruction and human suffering, the people of Gaza persist in their resilience and resistance, expressing their determination to live with dignity and freedom, and continue their struggle for their basic rights and the end of occupation. Gaza remains a symbol of Palestinian steadfastness and willpower.

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