Various news

Emotional hunger is met with death by starvation


at a time when 360 square kilometers, the total area of besieged Gaza Strip, has confused the Zionists. Due to resistance plans, it has become a triangle of terror for the Zionist forces; anyone who enters it is lost and anyone who withdraws from it is disabled, even by the enemy's admissions. 

Israel's Channel 12 reported the outbreak of the phenomenon of emotional hunger among Israelis, which is the resorting to eating when feeling fear, tension and pressure - the psychological states they are living amidst the escalation of events in the stricken sector. The report warned of "emotional eating" as a result of current tensions! 

Sweets sales have risen by 50% for chocolate and 27% for sweets in general since the aggression on Gaza began.

In a separate, bitter irony, the Israeli warning coincides with the United Nations announcing that all Gaza residents are starving, collecting flour from the ground and raindrops, lining up to get bread, eating weeds, expired food and even unripe fruits to ward off death. 

Desperate residents also stop aid trucks if they slow down at intersections.

Amidst threats that all Gaza residents, about 2.2 million people, are nearing crisis starvation levels or worse - as half the population starves and 9 out of 10 do not eat daily - it means that Israeli emotional eating and its luxuries are met with death by starvation.

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