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Traveling via the aircraft wheel well


Individuals clandestinely enter the aircraft's wheel well with the intention of illegal migration.

Some countries have recently discovered migrants using this method, and Algerian authorities conducted an investigation into an incident where a young man sneaked into an aircraft belonging to their airline at Oran Airport last week, which was en route to Orly Airport in France.

French authorities also discovered a man in his twenties hiding in the landing gear compartment of a commercial plane that took off from Algeria to Paris, suffering from a severe drop in body temperature but still alive.

An airport source mentioned that the man was alive but in a life-threatening condition due to a severe drop in body temperature.

If we were to interpret the man's condition, commercial airplanes typically fly at altitudes ranging between 30,000 and 40,000 feet, where temperatures usually drop to around 50 degrees Celsius below zero, making it unlikely for anyone traveling in the landing gear compartment to survive due to oxygen deprivation.

According to the Federal Aviation Administration, the fatality rate for individuals attempting to travel in this manner is 77%. In April last year, the body of a man was found in an aircraft's landing gear compartment at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.

It's worth noting that attempts to travel in this manner totaled 132 individuals between the years 1947 and 2021.

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