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Aliens are not fiction!


While humans have been searching for alien life, aliens have already discovered our existence. According to the French website Futurism, despite ongoing efforts to discover alien life by examining the universe, the search is still in vain. Over the years, scientists have proposed many theories that explain the absence of evidence for the existence of alien life. The contradiction highlighted by physicist Enrico Fermi highlights In 1950, the contradiction between the possibility of the existence of alien civilizations and our lack of them was highlighted. However, the new point of view suggests that we may be approaching this problem from the wrong angle, as some scientists believe that aliens have already discovered our existence, even if we do not realize it. They exist so far. The evidence comes from humanity's history of broadcasting radio signals into space, especially between 1900 and World War II. Powerful signals were sent to compensate for primitive reception in this period, in addition to equipping spacecraft such as NASA's Voyager 1 and 2. Howard Isaacs noted that by 2300 there will be spacecraft Voyager has informed more than 1,000 stars of our presence, and has confirmed that these signals will appear. Additionally, within 8 years the star closest to us will have received our signal and sent a response. Aside from radio waves, space astronomers may have determined our existence through methods similar to ours. They may have studied Earth's atmosphere and found signs of oceans capable of supporting life. Other clues may come from sodium emissions into the atmosphere of our cities, indicating a civilization. advanced or even from our pollution.

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