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Human intelligence levels are at risk


It seems that the Corona virus, which has sparked fear and panic throughout the world, is not limited to attacking the respiratory system only, but it is infiltrating something deeper, invading the vital organs. Even the brain and everything that is responsible for the intellectual and cognitive aspect of a person has not been spared from its effects.

The New England Journal of Medicine published a shocking study that even those who have completely recovered from the Corona virus can decrease their intelligence after recovery, and those who have recovered are likely to lose 6 points on intelligence tests.

The study shows that Corona patients who recovered from short-term symptoms experienced similar minor deficits in memory, thinking, or concentration (brain fog) as those who had a longer period of symptoms.

According to the researchers, the effects of continuing cognitive deficits in the long term are still unclear and require continuous monitoring.

For his part, Dr. Gamal Farwaiz, consultant psychiatrist at Ain Shams University, confirmed that the Corona virus may affect memory and concentration, according to scientific studies, as it may lead to memory impairment, forgetfulness, and loss of concentration.

Froese added that Corona may cause blood clotting or coagulation in the brain, which leads to small clots that affect the brain, leading to memory loss.

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