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"Mona Lisa" Sips Soup


Not everything the media portrays about Western societies is always accurate. Sometimes, they misinterpret and misrepresent their viewpoints, presenting images that are detached from civilization.

In this context, two environmental activists, dedicated to combating climate change, poured soup onto the protective glass in front of the famous Mona Lisa painting at the Louvre Museum in Paris. Their aim was to draw the attention of French society to the importance of protecting the environment and sustainable food sources.

The activists delivered a message to the world from in front of the original Mona Lisa, stating: "What is more important? Art or the right to healthy and sustainable food? Our agricultural system is sick, our farmers are dying at work, and one in every three French people does not eat their meals every day. We are the 'Food Response,' and we call for the creation of a social guarantee for sustainable food."

Fortunately, Leonardo da Vinci's famous masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, was not harmed. Since 2005, it has been protected by bulletproof glass. The Louvre Museum activated its crisis unit, evacuated the room where the painting is displayed, cleaned the glass, and returned the painting to its original state.

A group of environmental advocates, calling themselves the "Food Response," took responsibility for the protest in front of the Mona Lisa. They identified themselves as a French civil resistance campaign aiming for radical changes in society on climate and social levels.

It is worth noting that Europe has witnessed a recurrence of historical art targeting in recent years by various activists seeking to raise awareness about climate change. In May 2022, someone covered the protective glass in front of the Mona Lisa with cream during a protest to raise awareness about climate change.

Other attempts included throwing soup on Vincent van Gogh's "Sunflowers" at the National Gallery in London in October 2022 and activists attaching themselves to paintings by Joaquin Sorolla at the Prado Museum in Madrid in November 2022.

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