Various news

The validity of your divorce


Your session, which lasted for about an hour, ends, and the judge announces your divorce and separation once and for all, so you go out quickly so that time does not betray you. You have obligations, arrangements, and preparations ahead of you for your divorce party!
At a time when many Arab countries sounded alarm bells about a frightening rise in divorce rates, many women were deciding what types of drinks and foods they would serve to those invited to their divorce party.
It seems that recovery, the desire for revenge, and the feeling that a painful event did not happen in their lives are the things that prompted women to celebrate divorce.

Relationship coach and author Tara Eisenhardt sees divorce as an opportunity to learn, heal, and grow, and she encourages her clients to do something, whether it's "a party or a simple gathering." "Having a party helps divorced people have a fresh start while feeling supported by family and friends," she says.

While behavioral health consultant Julia Hogan believes that celebrating the end of a relationship with someone conflicts with the feelings of anger, hurt, and sadness usually associated with divorce, which would affect women more than men, stressing that this type of behavior may provide a temporary feeling of revenge, but it does not help. In treating negative emotions.

According to what many sources indicated, the idea of ​​the divorce party was originally due to the Japanese Hiroki Terai, who was the organizer of these parties. After that, this idea quickly spread to several Western countries and countries, and finally landed in the Arab world, and this exacerbated the fears. Many parties in Arab societies, whose countries are witnessing an alarming rise in divorce rates, which exceed 500 cases per day.

According to the latest statistics for 2021, Saudi Arabia recorded 7 divorce cases every hour, meaning an average of 162 cases per day. While Tunisia recorded 940 divorce cases per month, that is, an average of 4 cases every 3 hours, and divorce cases in Algeria reached 64 thousand cases annually, that is, an average of one every 12 minutes, while in Jordan, divorce cases reached 14 thousand divorce cases annually.

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