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Activists in Spain Defy Injustice


Children in the Gaza Strip endure challenging humanitarian conditions, exacerbated by the prolonged blockade and ongoing economic crises. They face daily challenges that surpass the boundaries of childhood, as wars and siege consume the daily lives of these innocent individuals, leaving lasting psychological and physical effects.

Amid the escalating attacks on Gaza by the Israeli entity, with a particular focus on the violations against children in the region, activists from the Green Peace Movement in Spain gathered in front of the Queen Sofia Museum in Madrid. They executed a bold artistic installation that combined a painting by the globally renowned artist Pablo Picasso with a poignant image of a child from Gaza.

Scaling the façade of the famous museum, the activists hung a massive banner featuring a picture of a Gaza child in tears due to the destruction caused by Israeli operations in the sector. They utilized a banner with an illustrative drawing by the American artist Shepard Fairey (OBEY), inspired by a photo taken by the Palestinian photographer Bilal Khalid. The photo captures the child crying out for salvation amidst the ravages of the Israeli war.

Covering an area of approximately 60 square meters, the artistic piece conveyed a powerful message about the reality faced by children in Gaza. The banner asked, "Can you hear us?" symbolizing the cry of Palestinian children. It carried the message, "Stop the gunfire now," highlighting the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza for over 113 days.

This initiative is part of a solidarity campaign with the Palestinian people and a condemnation of the injustice faced by the children of Gaza. The activists aim to draw global attention to the suffering of children in conflict zones, urging an end to violence and the pursuit of peace in the region.

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