Art News

To the late Abdul Latif Abdul Hamid


After this day, the listeners no longer have any demands, as they received the last news in the days of boredom, bidding farewell to one of the figures of Syrian cinema, through verbal messages, so that memories of his old pictures on the nights of the jackal would pass through them, and his light would shine after that to be the second moon with that only olive tree at the head of that mountain, Today the spiritual father of cinema has disappeared, leaving many generations behind him outside the coverage, and today we bid you farewell present, with the rain of the meeting falling again instead of rising.



The news of the death of the late director Abdel Latif Abdel Hamid was not just passing news to the artistic community and others, and even the words of lamentation could not catch up with his kindness and humanity, as there were few words and many meanings, so in the wake of suffering and the pain of separation, his exceptional laugh was the only constant throughout the days.

Three years ago, the late man bid farewell to his wife, Larissa, describing her passing as the end of her vacation from life, after a journey that lasted 46 years, in a feature film between love, humanity, and work.

Abdel Hamid was born in 1954. He graduated from the Faculty of Arabic Literature at Tishreen University, after which he received a scholarship to study cinema in Russia, only to return and chart a long path of love and effort.

The late man’s career was full of rich achievements, presenting himself as a director at times, and an author at other times, and in many works as an author and director, he won, with his first film, "Nights of the Jackal", the Golden Sword Award at the Damascus Film Festival, the Golden Olive Award at the Mediterranean Basin Festival in Corsica, and the Golden Award from the First International Film Festival in Annunay, France.

After those nights, the deceased continued his works spoken in the rural coastal dialect, as critics classified them as Abdel Hamid’s quartet, which were Oral Letters 1989, Qumran and Zaytouna 2001, and What Listeners Ask for 2003.

Away from the coast and the countryside, the war and its pain were unable to extinguish the flame of his creativity, so he embodied those aches and pains and their impact on the Syrian people, through his films "Me, My Father, My Mother, You", "The Way of the Bees" 2017, and Solo Play 2018, and he concludes the journey of creativity through the film "The Road", which He dedicated it to his late wife, Larissa, and his partner in the late script, Adel Mahmoud, which was reflected in the bitterness of absence in the speech and image.

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