Art News

The Boredom Sonata plays a woman's pain


 a cinematic film delving into the inner workings and struggles of women, especially within the crisis.

Exploring the depths of a woman and her inner turmoil, recently completed by film director Ali Al-Aqabani, the cinematic film "Sonata of Boredom" delves into the realms of a woman's psyche. Choosing to harmonize with her internal strings in a symphonic vision, Al-Aqabani's film navigates through the worlds and psychological symbols of women.

Regarding the significance of the title, "Sonata" is known as a musical composition played by a single instrument solo or multiple ones, consisting of three or four musical movements. Boredom represents that psychological and social state where one reaches a sense of hopelessness, isolation, self-absorption, and a different perception of the world. The title seems to be symbolic, perhaps poetic, hinting at what the film aims to convey.

The film's concept revolves around Syrian women facing society and their experiences before, during, and after the war. Women are the most affected by the horrors of wars and their dire consequences, losing fathers, mothers, spouses, or siblings, then returning to struggle in life, attempting to salvage what remains. Hence, the director formulated his film's theme.

Within the film's context, three women live in a supportless household, each facing their own unique struggles in their mindset, behavior, and outlook on life compared to the others. The need for support and a provider, whether a brother, husband, or father, grows evident. These circumstances affecting the girls in that household aren't individual; they symbolize the widespread conditions in countries experiencing wars, losing their youth to death or departure.

The film's events unfold within a house in Damascus. Despite the confined setting, the impact of the outside world is strongly felt. The relationship between the house and its external environment is evident, focusing on women of different ages depicted as the remnants of a modern family.

It's worth mentioning that the film featured a group of promising actresses: Salma Suleiman, Lara Saadeh, Marah Zaitoun, and the young Shihadeh Al-Shatta. The home's decor was organized by engineer Reem Al-Maghout and her team.

followed by: Rama Elba

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