Art News

The Icon of Generations Shines Bright


We may differ on the essence of love and its necessities, but what is certain and undisputed is that love is an emotional state that elevates the human existence, bringing tranquility to the heart with the overflow of feelings that the beloved gives you. Such was her enchanting voice, drawing you towards distant horizons, where memories dance to the tunes of the beautiful past. She is the icon of the generation, Myiada Al-Hanawi, the owner of the golden throat that has always captivated millions with the beauty of her voice and the splendor of her performance.

In a distinctive surprise, the shining star is preparing to return once again to the Arab art scene with two new songs, to remind us of the charm of the days of yore and take us back to the warm longing for the beautiful past. 

The first song is titled "Love Me" with lyrics by the legend Nizar Qabbani, while the second one "A Grain of Memories" is one of the masterpieces of the great poet Abdel Rahman El Abnoudy, in an exceptional collaboration with a constellation of music and composition stars such as Talal and Yahya Al-Moaji.

It is certain that these two songs will break records and achieve phenomenal successes, as the audience has an appointment with immortal moments that equal the brilliance of the sweetest days.

The coming months will also witness a global concert tour for the charming star across several countries, starting from the Dominican Republic to the United States and Canada, on an exceptional musical journey accompanied by a choir of the most beautiful voices and melodies.

The eternal lady of eternal art, who has always lit up the Arab art sky with her bright stardom and captured hearts with her unique voice, will thus write new lines of creativity.

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