Country News

Crime Inside a Pharmacy


 Is it Conceivable You consciously take steps toward danger, practice it daily, become addicted by your own full will before it turns into unconscious behavior. Then you come asking for a solution to be saved and relieve the terrible consequences?

 Fine, you try to heal yourself but what is unbelievable is that you increase your horrible state and ugliness simply because you do not get that salvation, so you commit an even more heinous crime than what you already have.

A drug addict entered a pharmacy located in the Yabroud area to get medication to alleviate the symptoms he suffers from drug use, but the pharmacist refused to sell him the medication without a prescription and medical supervision, which is natural, since dealing with these drugs is no easy matter.

When the pharmacist did not respond, the addict stabbed her in the heart, abdomen and hips with a knife, killing her before fleeing the scene, according to criminal and medical investigations. It is worth noting that the pharmacist was 58 years old and a mother of two children. Investigations by the criminal security forces and Yabroud police directorate are still ongoing to catch the criminal, noting that the criminal security forces in Damascus and its countryside have recently arrested networks that promote and use drugs.

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