The Country's Waters are Quenched by Its Sons


This wretched people seem unable to emerge from one catastrophe without plunging into another. They bid farewell to one calamity, believing they have survived, only to be met with another that makes them nostalgic for even the most hideous of past times.  

No sooner had Syrians recovered from the devastating earthquake that ravaged the country last February than this year made its presence felt in a different way. Due to the harsh weather conditions witnessed in Tartous governorate, the south Kabir river overflowed early Saturday morning, causing severe damage to citizens' and farmers' homes and lands in several villages of the Akkar plain. The floodwaters, which exceeded the earth dam, submerged vast areas of lands planted with wheat and protected crops, forming large lakes as many homes were also flooded.

Four people drowned when a car carrying them got stuck in one of the roadside locations. Dr. Iskandar Ammar, Director General of Bassel Hospital in Tartous, said that the four people arrived at the hospital deceased due to drowning. 

The number of damaged houses has reached 28 so far amid unrelenting rain.  

It is no longer known whether it is the waters quenching the Syrians, or the Syrians who have come to quench the waters!

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