Politics news

Even the Tube Babies Were Not Spared


With the ongoing merciless and relentless Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, new forms of invisible losses inflicted by the continuous onslaught for over 6 months emerge. This includes the killing of tube babies. The entity went beyond the boundaries of criminality by targeting unborn fetuses, not just children who were already born or still in their mothers' wombs.



This occurred when an Israeli shell hit the largest fertility center in Gaza in December, causing an explosion that uncovered 5 tanks containing liquid nitrogen in the embryology unit. As the extremely cold liquid evaporated, the temperature inside the tanks rose, resulting in the destruction of over 4,000 tube babies' embryos, as well as 1,000 other samples of unfertilized sperm and eggs stored in the Basmah Fertility Center.

Those embryos stored in the tanks represented the last hope for hundreds of Palestinian couples facing fertility issues. According to a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, at least half of these couples will not have another chance to conceive, as they no longer have the ability to produce viable sperm or eggs.

It is worth mentioning that despite the poverty in the region, couples experiencing infertility issues resort to artificial insemination. In pursuit of this dream, they sell household appliances like televisions or jewelry to afford such medical services.

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