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Animals communicate online


Whatsapp, Facebook, and Messenger are not only for humans, but animals can communicate with each other over the Internet.

According to a study conducted by researchers in Glasgow, it was found that parrots prefer to make video calls with their peers rather than sending them pre-recorded messages or video clips, and the study included 9 pet parrots that were allowed over a period of six months to make 6 direct video calls with their peers, while they were shown On 6 other occasions, recorded videos of these calls were recorded.

According to the results, the parrots spent 561 minutes on direct calls, compared to 142 minutes playing pre-recorded videos.

Lead author Dr Elena Herskig Douglas from the University of Glasgow's School of Computing Sciences said the Internet has a great deal of potential to give animals the ability to interact with each other.

It is worth noting that animals communicating with each other via the Internet helps reduce the mental and physical losses that can befall them as a result of their presence in homes and closed places.

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