Various news

The heaviest man in Britain dies


After his mother struggles to find a place to cremate his body, the heaviest man in the world may not get a proper funeral.



According to the British newspaper The Sun, Jason Holton's mother, called "Lisa", is trying to find a place to cremate her son's body after his death, but she has not yet been able to find the appropriate place that should accommodate his enormous argument for the cremation process.

The unit of weight measurement in the United Kingdom is stones, and one stone is equivalent to 14 pounds or 6.35 kilograms, and Jason weighed 50 stones.

Lisa pointed out that burying her son in the usual cemeteries to bury the dead would cost a lot of money that I do not have, and would require a double plot of land instead of one.

The mother added: One of the funeral companies says it will provide him with a larger rectangular coffin, and believes it has figured out how to move it.

It is worth noting that he began overeating when he was a teenager while grieving the death of his father.

Jason, 33, died this month due to organ failure and obesity. He was transported in a private ambulance and carried by 6 firefighters

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