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Fast food destroys memory



It may quickly occur to you, after a tiring day full of events, to buy a quick meal to silence the sounds that gnaw at your stomach, and this may happen repeatedly without your awareness or awareness, but you do not know that the price is your “brain.”



According to the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, a new study at the University of Southern California revealed that teenagers who follow a diet full of fast food cause “long-term damage to their brains.”

The study indicates that teenagers who eat diets rich in sugars destroy their memory, and these effects appear clearly in adulthood.

The study relied on previous evidence linking malnutrition and Alzheimer's disease, explaining that people with Alzheimer's tend to have lower levels of a signaling molecule in the brain, called acetylcholine, which is necessary for memory, learning, attention, arousal, and muscle movement. Involuntary.

To find out whether a high-fat diet would cause the same harm in young people, while their brains were still developing, the study team tracked acetylcholine levels in mice on different diets and subjected them to a memory test.

The memory test used with mice involves allowing them to explore a new space, then returning them days later with a new object added to the area.

According to the study's lead author, "acetylcholine signals in mice are a mechanism to help them encode and remember those events, similar to 'episodic memory' in humans, which allows us to remember events from our past."

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