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Chicken meat may give you cancer


Despite the many benefits of chicken meat, there are parts of it that are recommended not to be eaten at all because of the harm they cause to the human body, which may lead to cancer.

According to a study published by the Healthline website, not all parts of chicken are edible, because they may cause cancer. The prohibited parts of chicken are the following items:

Chicken lung contains a lot of parasites and bacteria, which cannot be eliminated even by heat treatment, due to its resistance to high temperatures.

As for the neck, it contains lymph nodes that contain toxins and bacteria, and frequent consumption of chicken neck may increase the risk of cancer, and it is possible that some substances hazardous to human health may accumulate in the chicken’s head.

There are different types of bacteria and food residues in the chicken intestines, which cannot always be completely removed, and excessive consumption of them leads to an increase in the percentage of fats in the blood.

Finally, there is practically nothing useful in chicken skin, it is rich in fat, and there are also many parasites and bacteria on its surface.

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