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In the midst of love



When we talk about degrees of love in the Arabic language, we find that it possesses a rich and diverse heritage of terms that describe the feelings of lovers. It is a linguistic treasure that pulsates with emotions and passion, reflecting the complexities and experiences of love in our ancient Arab culture.

Let us begin our journey into the world of love with "Al-Hawa" (infatuation). It is the first degree of love and symbolizes the inclination of the self towards desire. Here lies the initial attraction, the deep desire to come closer and connect both physically and emotionally. It is the seed of love that grows and blossoms deep within the hearts.

From there, we move to "Al-Sabwa" (playfulness), a word that signifies the lover's indulgence in flirtation. In this stage, the lover is filled with enthusiasm and vitality, immersing themselves in moments of play and fun with their beloved. It is a period of simplicity and joy that provides a romantic relationship with an atmosphere of happiness and contentment.

As the relationship continues to evolve, we reach "Al-Shaghaf" (passion), the enveloping cover that surrounds the heart. Here, the lover is ignited with an unquenchable passion, living with the presence of their beloved in every heartbeat, and the passion seeps into their veins, giving life a deep warmth and meaning.

However, as time passes, passion transforms into "Al-Wajd" (yearning), which is constant thinking about the beloved and perpetual sorrow. In this stage, love becomes a source of pain and longing, as the lover feels a deep yearning and the sadness that squeezes their heart due to the loss of their beloved or the unfulfilled desired union.

Among the other degrees of love, we find "Al-Kalaf" (infatuation), which is being infatuated with something while occupying the heart with toil and hardship. Here, the lover longs to approach the beloved and merge with them, but at the same time, they face difficulties and challenges in achieving their desires.

With the deepening of the relationship, we arrive at "Al-Ishq" (passionate love), which is excessive love. Here, the lover becomes infatuated without limits, surpassing all boundaries and constraints. They live in a world full of intense emotions and extreme ardor, where the beloved becomes the center of their life, the source of their inspiration and radiance.

Following that, we encounter "Al-Najwa" (intimate conversation), which is the burning sensation of love or sadness. In this stage, the lover lives in the midst of strong emotions and internal conflicts, oscillating between extreme happiness and profound sadness, creating a state of emotional turmoil.

It is followed by "Al-Shawq" (longing), which is the soul's inclination towards something or its attachment to it. In this stage, longing becomes a driving force for the lover, as they strongly yearn to meet their beloved and enjoy moments of closeness and connection. They aspire to fill the void generated by separation.

We find "Al-Wasb" (anguish) next, which is the pain that comes from love. Here, the lover experiences pain and mental exhaustion, suffering from the effects of loss and separation, feeling deep nostalgia and sorrow.

As for "Al-Istikana" (submissiveness), it is the stage of humiliation and submission to love, where the lover becomes ready to sacrifice everything for their beloved. They are prepared to submit to their beloved's feelings and desires, and they willingly subject themselves to them.

Among the other stages of love, we find "Al-Wudd" (affection), which signifies pure and gentle love. Here, generosity and deep affection manifest in the relationship, where love is shared and reciprocal, and mutual respect and care prevail between the lovers.

To reach "Al-Khullah" (intimacy), which is the stage of unified affection, where the beloved becomes an absolute and unsharable entity. The lover communicates with their beloved deeply and exclusively, living in their own world together.

"Al-Gharam" (infatuation) represents attachment to something that cannot be rid of. Here, the lover becomes infatuated to the point of madness, living in a state of deep immersion and intoxication in their love.

Finally, "Al-Hayam" (passionate love) represents the highest degree of love, reflecting pure insanity that arises from intense attraction and infatuation. In this stage, the lover becomes completely obsessed with the beloved, losing all control over their emotions and thoughts, living in a state of delirium and extreme fervor, with the beloved being the center of their life.

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