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Demonic facial syndrome


When someone tells you that they see one of them as "demon", don't be reprehensible about his description, he actually sees it as well with all the details that his face holds and with all the meaning that the word carries. The Lancet published a study of Dartmouth College indicating a unique case of a disease with "demonic face" syndrome, and for the first time, scientists created face illustrations based on the description given by the patient. The patient, a 58-year-old man with facial imbalance, sees faces without any distortions when displayed on screen and on paper, but sees distorted faces that appear "demonic" when viewed personally. For the study, scientists took a picture of a person's face. They then showed the patient the image on the computer screen while looking at the real face of the same person.. Neuropsychologists at Dartmouth College obtained instant feedback from the patient on how the face appearing on the screen and the real face in front of it differs, modifying the image using computer software to match the distortions the patient sees. According to scientists, the results of their images looked like "demons" with ears, noses and mouths stretched back, grooves deep in their forehead, cheeks and chins. While the study is a major achievement in understanding how this person with facial imbalance sees the world, a broad understanding of this situation is just beginning to emerge. It is worth mentioning that "satanic facial syndrome", a disease that makes you see people around you as beasts with a sinister smile, is officially known as the facial visual deformity (prosopometamorphopsia), and has long been misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. Prosopo means the Greek word for face, while metamorphopsia describes distortion.. Specific symptoms vary from case to case and can affect the shape, size, color and position of the facial features. The duration of symptoms varies from days to weeks or even years in some cases.

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