Art News

For two minutes and 21 seconds


No one speaks about dreams, ambitions, and willpower... This actor trained for 6 years to perform a small scene.


Actors often undergo long periods of training to perform a particular scene, learn a specific skill, or transform their bodies through rigorous training and dietary regimens to achieve realism in the character they're portraying.

However, training for 6 years for a scene that lasts no more than two minutes and 21 seconds is considered unusual. The renowned actor Bradley Cooper did just that in preparation for his role in the movie "MAESTRO," which premiered last year, dedicating 6 years to learn the performance of the maestro.

The work portrays the autobiography of Leonard Bernstein, depicting his journey of passion and devotion to music, his rise in American society, and the strong emotional relationship he shared with actress Felicia Montealegre."

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