Child food for 115 thousand
Country News

Child food for 115 thousand

Many children in Syria are missing the main food they need in their early

A Cry of Hunger
Politics news

A Cry of Hunger

The World Food Programme has announced one of its critical crises, warning of the

The Syrian age measurement unit
Social Articles

The Syrian age measurement unit

 2024 is false... I think it is before Christ, not after. All the phenomena

Various news

"Mona Lisa" Sips Soup

Not everything the media portrays about Western societies is always accurate. Sometimes, they misinterpret

Behind the walls of hope
Country News

Behind the walls of hope

the world became too confining for the children, so they knocked on the door

No Fear of Obesity...Dark Chocolate for the Heart
Various news

No Fear of Obesity...Dark Chocolate for the Heart

For dark chocolate lovers, there is no reason today to stay away from it,

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